2. Married women's revolt against loveless life
Married women's revolt against loveless life - Dheeraj Kumar, Chairman, RRC I agree with the recent trend of shedding off meaningless relationships by married women. These marriages are meaningless because there is no love between so-called couples; they're not coupled at all. So it is no good holding on to such bondages. Earlier, women weren't in a position to resist and raise their voices, but now with education, they've started realising the value of freedom and liberty. They don't project themselves as only a keeper of family, but a person with equal rights. Women have been suppressed since time immemorial. A new dawn has come to their life. The light of knowledge has given them the power to see. They would no longer allow men to destroy women's lives. They will rise from misery of caged life whether it be in the form of pride, culture, practice or beliefs that put veils on them, hide them in burkha or bind them to a never ending circle of daily chores ...