Legal action https://blog.ipleaders.in/can-someone-sending-unsolicited-dirty-pictures-nudes/ [Men sending unsolicited pictures of their private parts] "We should not do things with others that we would not like to happen with ourselves." No doubt, social media has given us tremendous powers. It is only the responsible use of power that directs to the rightful fruits. Otherwise, it only brings destruction. One such thing is social media that allows us to contact anyone and share anything instantly. We witness numerous reports of abuse of this fecility, especially those related to women. Almost all women on social media receive unsolicited pictures of private parts from men. This is an alarming situation of mass moral degradation of men. Every woman is someone's daughter or sister. No one would like such things to happen with their own sister or daughter. Then why do men indulge in such filthy acts that malign the image of society and mankind as a whole. There ...